
How it is. Occassional thoughts, occassional moments, from a London gay man... 'A perfect day, a perfect night..' If only... I`m all fingers 'n' thumbs...

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Location: Twickenham (Greater London), Middlesex, United Kingdom

Chilled cd-aholic, music,reading, travel, socialising,chatting to everybody about all sorts of bizarre stuff, but always with a big grin ;) oh and being gay, though it`s not a profession; just who i am :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hello Again

You will notice that I haven`t blog-etted in absolute ages.
Well it has been rather a strange old time of it all, the last few months. In April my flatmate/landlord decided to go completely mad and chuck me out. He said I was `spying` on him. I would have had if his life was of any sort of interest (How interesting can a permanently stoned and pissed agrophobes life be!!!!). Quite the most paranoid person i have ever met in my life. So I had move (on my birthday!)and live in a room above a pub for what turned out to be 6 weeks. Bah...I was also rather ill at the time with a strange tummy thing (which is still being investigated). It appears to have stripped my guts of some chemical or something and I now might be Coeliac (or at least Gluten intolerant). Such fun....not.
I did manage at least to find somewhere half decent to live though, with a good mate; Mark. BUT my computer then decided to blow up on me so I currently have little access until it returns from the pc doctor...
But I promise to continue posting when I can get access, currently only for an hour a week at work at the mo`...

Ta ta for now

S x


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